Our Morning Routine

الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2016

Cool morning weather & the sunlight pouring into our bedroom windows are two of my favorite things right now. Having the girls in school has forced us into a new morning routine & I am realizing how much we really needed this. The first week was tough for us all, but hooray! we finally have our shit together & we are loving it. Although it's already Fall Break next week, which I'm so confused about because the kids have been in school for approximately five minutes so I'm not sure why we already need a week off, but then again, I'm new to this. Money says I take them Monday anyway and then realize nobody else is there.

So in order to effectively get out the door in the mornings (meaning fed, on time & everyone is wearing matching shoes) this is what our routine looks like. I usually get up around 6:30 when Brandon is taking off for work. I make some coffee and make my bed because, the state of your bed is the state of your head. I get out things for breakfast & start packing their lunches for school, by then Harper is usually skipping down the stairs.

Harper puts on some cartoons, I pack lunches & snacks, then quickly get myself ready. I usually shower during naptime or after the girls go to bed, so in the morning my routine is washing my face (I swear this is the key to actually feeling awake!), dry shampoo & mascara! ;)

Once Claire & Eloise are up, everyone is chugging milk & eating breakfast. During the week, we usually eat yogurt, fruit, scrambled eggs or toaster waffles. I try to keep it super quick and easy, and every single day I wish pop-tarts were an acceptable breakfast. We have been loving eating breakfast outside, a little fresh air first thing in the morning is an amazing way to start the day, plus less clean up! ;) The girls love to play on the deck for a bit before we get ready, which I love because they are all so happy and sweet in the morning.

I set all of the girls outfits out the night before, this is an absolute MUST for us being on time in the morning. Everyone is already stalling bedtime by two hundred years so it's easy to get them to cooperate on helping me pick their clothes. I get them all dressed, we search all over the house for everyone's shoes & I tell everyone five times that they cannot wear tap shoes to school. We do hair, we pack back packs, scramble to find show & tell items, fill up water bottles & head out the door!

We usually wait in car line for quite a while, so we try to use this time for good! I love letting them pick songs to listen to to put them in happy moods, we chat about being good friends & how important it is to be nice to everyone and sometimes get to FaceTime with dad at work. Once I drop off the girls, Claire & I hit our errands!! I usually pick up a few forgotten things from the grocery store, go to the post office, we stop at the park or go for a walk, she sometimes takes a morning nap if we go home, while I clean or get a little bit of work done. If I'm feeling super productive I will prep dinner while making lunch for Claire, although one of these days I swear I am just going to come home and lay on the couch watching HGTV the entire time they're in school.

The best part of the day is picking up the girls, I love to peek into their classrooms and see them with their little friends or sitting at their desks. And there is nothing better than them running across the room to the door when we get to come in! :) I freaking love them so much it hurts.

Do you have a good morning routine with your kids?! Would love to know any tips or tricks to keeping things on track!!
Cheers to being halfway through the week, and FALL starts tomorrow!! XO

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